Category Archives: News & Events
Map Out Your Growth
One of my articles was published in the October, 2014 issue of CEPro magazine about mapping out growth strategies. This article parallels the course I teach at CEDIA on To Grow or Not to Grow your Business. The bottom line of the course and the article is to pick your battles. There are weird sizes […]
IMAX Private Theater
The IMAX Private Theater is a project that I have been working on for 2+ years. The product launch happened in March, 2013. IMAX has spent 2+ years re-tooling the seminal IMAX experience for the ultra-luxury home experience. I have learned a lot about IMAX while working on this project. Most people in the […]
BYOD – Bring Your Own Device
BYOD is a trend that has been taking hold for many companies. The challenge of all the different smart phones and tablets out there can overwhelm a company when deciding which one to support. These issues are further compounded by personal preferences for an iPhone, Galaxy, or any of the other devices they already own/like. The […]